National Surveyors Week and Global Surveyors Day 2023
Employees, Land Surveying, News and Achievements, Recognition, Survey
International Women in Engineering Day 2022
EmployeesNational Women in Engineering Day was launched for the first time in the UK on June 23, 2014 by the Women’s Engineering Society (WES) to celebrate its 95th anniversary. Since that launch in 2014 the day has grown enormously over the subsequent years to the point where it received UNESCO patronage in 2016.

International Women in Engineering Day 2020
EmployeesNational Women in Engineering Day was launched for the first time in the UK on June 23, 2014 by the Women’s Engineering Society (WES) to celebrate its 95th anniversary. Since that launch in 2014 the day has grown enormously over the subsequent years to the point where it received UNESCO patronage in 2016.

2020 National Surveyors Week
Employees, SurveyNational Surveyors Week is an annual week-long celebration of the surveying profession that takes place in March. Education of the public is the number one goal of National Surveyors Week. The work surveyors perform for the benefit of the public often goes unrecognized and surveyors need to share their knowledge with them.
Rani is very proud to have a talented survey team with up to 41 years of experience.

Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day 2020
EmployeesGirl Day is a worldwide campaign to engage girls in engineering. Through the campaign, girls learn how engineers are making the world a better place and encourages them to explore this exciting and rewarding career.
Rani is lucky to have a talented group of female engineers with up to 31 years of experience. The group was asked, “Who or what inspired you to become an engineer?”