Client: Metro Transit

Location: St. Paul, Maplewood, Landfall, Oakdale and Woodbury, MN


The METRO Gold Line will connect people across the region to job centers, housing options, transit stations and key destinations in the I-94 corridor. The planned 10-mile dedicated Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line will connect Saint Paul, Maplewood, Landfall, Oakdale and Woodbury generally along Interstate 94.

The Gold Line will be Minnesota’s first BRT line that operates primarily within bus-only lanes. These lanes are dedicated only to transit buses, and will be built north of Interstate 94.


The Rani team has been completing topographic, utility, and boundary surveys for a portion of the project corridor that will contain the bus route. Rani has been fulfilling Critical Design Request (CDR) surveys as requested by the project to help the team better understand their design constraints. Rani also coordinated with team partners for the surface marking and potholing of existing utilities and surveyed these locations. Rani will also complete a right-of-way and parcel base map as the basis for easements and acquisitions. Rani is also assisting with roadway design and preliminary drainage design and will be preparing the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and temporary erosion control plans for the project.

Professional services included:

  • Established primary survey control network
  • Topographic, utility, and boundary surveys
  • Review of subdivision plats and legal descriptions and easements
  • Provide right-of-way base map
  • Update of project base files in dynamic project environment.
  • Attend regular project design meetings to coordinate and collaborate with design team.
  • Roadway design assistance
  • Drainage design assistance
  • SWPPP and temporary erosion control design lead